Kamis, 05 Desember 2019

Come, Mother, We Train The Baby to Roll

"My baby is more than four months old, but why hasn't it rolled yet, huh?" Mother may be anxious to think about child development and development like this, worried Little is experiencing developmental delays. Mother does not need to worry, some babies are already on their stomach at the age of three months, but generally it takes about six months to be able to roll from the supine position to the prone position. The most important thing to know Mother is how to help the baby can roll and what conditions require evaluation of child growth and development from a doctor. Mothers also need to know that catching up with babies when they are unable to roll is not a wise move as the process of growth and development is not a race. Children can reach the milestone of the developmental stages in a relatively broad period of time and not limited by a certain age period. The sign of a child ready to learn to roll is that he starts to shift and shake his arms and legs, while his head is not drooping alias is stabilizing. This shows that he can control his muscles. If your child is like this, Mother can help her learn to roll in the following ways.
  • When the baby is awake, lie on his stomach for several minutes

  • Furthermore, rolling will be easier when starting from the prone position. When the baby is on his stomach, Mother needs to pay attention to the way he likes to roll, whether leaning to the left or right side because most babies have the choice to roll more to one side. The first time on his stomach, the baby may not like it and feel strange with this position. To outsmart him, you can bend him over your chest for a few moments, until later he gets used to this sensation. If he still doesn't like it, try again later. Mother can also distract him by wiggling the toy in front of Little One. Even so, Mother must also be aware of the risk of the baby falling asleep on his stomach because this can be dangerous.
  • If the child looks like he wants to roll but is not capable enough to do it, encourage his skills

  • For example by shaking a toy on the side of the body that he likes. Show an expression of praise and smile so that he is more confident to do it.
  • Frequently practice every day by playing in a prone position

  • When a baby explores the world around him, he will learn how to move his body so he can see other new things.
  • Do not hold the baby too often or put it in a baby seat like a bouncer or stroller

  • This can make your child miss the opportunity to develop strength and muscle coordination to be able to roll.
  • Hang the toy over the baby's head

  • When in the prone position, a three month old baby can usually lift his head and shoulders by leaning on his arms. This helps strengthen the muscles that will be used for rolling. At this stage, Mother can push her skills by hanging toys over her head. This method will tempt your child to reach the toy on it so that he is stimulated to lift his body by stretching his arms. Mothers can also hang toys in front of them to push children forward and reach for toys.
All of the above exercises aim to strengthen baby's muscles. Later, when Little is around six or seven months, usually he can learn to roll, both to the left and right. Support this also with Mother's creativity in creating games that can stimulate her physical response. Mother, some babies can roll faster, and some need more time or even never be able to roll until later in adulthood. Consult your pediatrician if your baby doesn't try to roll over even though he's five months old and doesn't show interest in the surrounding environment, for example crawling, or dragging his buttocks, or sucking. However, specifically for babies born prematurely it usually takes longer to reach certain stages of development than normal babies.

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